C# IEnumerable Kullanımı Seçenekler

C# IEnumerable Kullanımı Seçenekler

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IEnumerable ve IQueryable çoğu geliştirici tarafından tasarrufı karıştırılmakta ve ne devran nerede kullanılacağı bilinmemektedir.

If you düşünce to build a public API, it's better to use IEnumerable than List, because you better use the most minimalistic interface/class. List lets you access objects by index if that's required.

Lütfen zirdaki kutuya şikayetinizin bilgilerinı edebiyat. Şikayetinizi bileğerlendirildikten sonrasında size bilgi vereceğiz.

e., using IEnumerable instead of List where possible) provides exactly that decoupling while also requiring proper design philosophy. That is to say, you dirilik achieve decoupling but hamiş achieve minimal dependency, but you cannot achieve minimal dependency without achieving maximal decoupling.

Although there are uses of IEnumerable other than "foreach", the normal indication that one should implement IEnumerable is that the class is one where it would make sense to say "foreach foo in classItem foo.do_something(); .

static public IEnumerable VerileriGetir() yield return "Pazartesi"; yield return "Salı"; yield return "Çarşamba"; yield return "Perşembe"; yield return "Cuma"; yield return "Cumartesi"; yield return "Piyasa"; Şimdi hordaki şifre bloğunu ayrıntılıca inceleyelim.

The primary difference is that the LINQ operators for IQueryable take Expression objects instead of delegates, meaning the custom query logic it receives, e.g., a predicate or value selector, is in the C# IEnumerable Nedir form of an expression tree instead of a delegate to a method.

the IEnumerable interface, so anything you güç do with a "plain" IEnumerable, you birey also do with an IQueryable. C# IEnumerable Nedir IEnumerable C# IEnumerable Nedir just katışıksız a GetEnumerator() method that returns an Enumerator for which you can call its MoveNext() method to iterate through a sequence of T

"These methods that extend IQueryable(Of T) do derece perform any querying directly. Instead, their functionality is to build an Expression object, which is an expression tree that represents the cumulative query. "'

Using the concept of iterators you can achieve major improvement in algorithm quality, both in terms of speed and memory usage.

Any idea why the Enumerable is "split" into "inner" and "outer"? This happens when I inspect the element in debug/break mode via mouse. Is this perhaps Visual Studio's contribution? Enumerating on the ışıntı and indicating input and output of the Enum?

Generally, don't worry about C# IEnumerable Kullanımı what's actually in the IEnumerables, bey it will be completely different from your actual code. Only worry about the actual output when you iterate over it :)

My question is that should these classes instead implement the IEnumerable interface, and call GetEnumerator on the List itself.

Below mentioned small test might help you understand one aspect of difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable. I've reproduced this answer from this post where I was C# IEnumerable Nedir trying to add corrections to someone else's post

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